AMA with Brendan Eich
Aug 17, 2018
On August 16th, BAT Community hosted the first in an upcoming series of AMAs (Ask Me Anything!) with Brendan Eich in the r/BATProject subreddit.

Understanding Redirection-Based Tracking
Aug 10, 2018
In this post we aimed to share some interesting and promising, albeit preliminary, results we’ve had for measuring redirection-based tracking online.

Brave Browser iOS App Now Offers DuckDuckGo Search in Private Tabs
Aug 3, 2018
We recently partnered with DuckDuckGo to improve privacy on the web by integrating a new DuckDuckGo search feature within Private Tabs in Brave’s desktop browser.

Into the Blockchain: Brave with MetaMask
Jul 26, 2018
Following the October 2017 ETHWaterloo Hackathon, Brave became the first desktop web browser to suggest MetaMask upon visiting any Web3 site.

The Mounting Cost of Stale Ad Blocking Rules
Jul 18, 2018
We are constantly looking to improve and automate the accuracy and speed of ad blocking built into Brave, and our previous post outlined a machine learning approach to ad blocking.

Brave Passes 3 Million Monthly Active Users and Makes Top 10 List in the Play Store in 21 Countries
Jul 12, 2018
Brave now has over 3 million monthly active users (over 3.1 million as of July 1st) and is currently growing at a pace to pass the 5 million mark before the end of 2018.

Brave Introduces Beta of Private Tabs with Tor for Enhanced Privacy while Browsing
Jun 28, 2018
This new functionality, currently in beta, integrates Tor into the browser and gives users a new browsing mode that helps protect their privacy not only on device but over the network.

Brave Welcomes Dr. Johnny Ryan to its Leadership Team as Chief Policy and Industry Relations Officer
Jun 20, 2018
Brave is pleased to announce that Dr. Johnny Ryan is joining the company as Chief Policy & Industry Relations Officer.

Brave Launches User Trials for Opt-In Ads That Reward Viewers
Jun 19, 2018
We’ve been busy building our new Basic Attention Token (BAT) platform, which includes a new consent-based digital advertising model that benefits users, publishers, and advertisers.

Brave Users Get Rewarded to Browse
Jun 6, 2018
Today, we are starting a monthly giveaway of about 500,000 USD in promotional Basic Attention Tokens (BAT) to Brave desktop browser users on a first come, first serve basis.

Brave Proposes a Machine Learning Approach for Ad Blocking
May 25, 2018
This week, Brave unveiled new research that is under submission to an upcoming conference regarding how to improve and automate ad blocking with AdGraph, a graph-based machine learning approach for detecting ads and trackers on a given web page.

New Brave Version Features Tab Improvements for Enhanced Performance
May 16, 2018
Today we released a new desktop version of Brave (0.22.714) which features significant performance improvements for users who typically use many tabs and windows.

Global Brave News — Brave Officially Opens London Office and Presents in Singapore and Korea
May 11, 2018
Last week, Brave gave multiple presentations in a flash tour across Asia and signed a lease for new space for its London office.

Brave and Townsquare Partner to Monetize Ad-blocking Traffic and Test Blockchain-based Digital Advertising
May 3, 2018
Brave, which is combining an innovative privacy browser with a blockchain-based digital advertising platform, and Townsquare Media, Inc. announced today that they are partnering to enable Townsquare to re-engage ad-blocking users.

Brave Update: Partners, Creators, Users, and Growth – April 2018
Apr 27, 2018
Brave is excited to announce partnerships with Bart Baker and Philip DeFranco as we continue our mission of providing a better deal for online creators.

Dow Jones Media Group Partners With Brave Software To Offer Premium Content To Users and Test Blockchain-Based Payment Technology
Apr 18, 2018
Privacy web browser Brave Software and Dow Jones Media Group have announced a partnership aimed at bringing premium content to new audiences and testing blockchain technology usage in digital publishing.

Brave Distributes Million Dollar Referral Program to Content Creators
Apr 12, 2018
Today we are distributing the first part of our Million Dollar referral program directly to online publishers and content creators. Brave will now transfer accrued BAT to publishers and creators on a recurring monthly basis.

Brave Unveils Development Plans for Upcoming 1.0 Browser Release, Including Transition to Chromium Front-End
Mar 28, 2018
The Brave 1.0 browser for desktop operating systems is coming later this year and it will include several significant improvements that we’d like to share now.

Million Dollar BAT Giveaway to Brave Users Now Paid Out to Rewarded Content Creators
Mar 24, 2018
In January, we announced that we’d distribute $1 million worth of promotional BAT (Basic Attention Token) via user grants to Brave desktop browser wallets — ultimately to be contributed to website publishers and YouTube creators via Brave Payments.