Brave Update: Partners, Creators, Users, and Growth – April 2018

Brave Partners with YouTube Stars Bart Baker and Philip DeFranco

Brave is excited to announce partnerships with Bart Baker and Philip DeFranco as we continue our mission of providing a better deal for online creators.

Baker and DeFranco, who respectively have over 10 million and 6 million YouTube subscribers, have clearly voiced the challenges they face as creators on YouTube are subjected to arbitrary demonetization rules. Like many creators, they are looking for new ways to fund their activity. As such, both have enthusiastically adopted Brave and the Basic Attention Token platform, a new model that reconnects creators with their audience.  

Bart Baker:

“Brave & the Basic Attention Token are going to totally revolutionize the digital ad space for creators, advertisers, and users. With so many ongoing monetization issues on YouTube and no options at all to monetize on other platforms, many content creators like myself have been on the verge of quitting for good. I believe Brave and BAT are going to totally solve this issue and then some. I feel like I’m getting in at the ground floor of the next Google with this partnership.”

Philip DeFranco:

“I’m so excited to work with Brave and spread the word because, in addition to being such a fantastic product that creates a cleaner, faster, and secure browsing experience, they are thinking about creators, their audiences, and how to support both first. This is a fantastic opportunity for the creators looking to diversify and get the platform that makes it easier to go from creating as a hobby, to creating and supporting yourself, to building your very own business.”

As part of this partnership, Bart and Philip are helping to spread awareness about Brave to their audiences, and to network with other influential creators. They are both also actively advising Brave on new reward programs, product ideas, and community outreach.

Coming Soon: Get Paid to Browse with Brave

“We’re getting to the point where we’re giving users BAT all the time. We don’t think we’ll run out. We think users should get it,” CEO and former Firefox leader Brendan Eich said. “We’re going to do it continually.”

Read the full story here, as well as the recent news about our partnership with Dow Jones Media Group.

Brave Browser + Basic Attention Token Platform:

  • Users:
    • Currently over 2.2 million monthly active users.
    • 24.5% desktop users and 75.5% mobile users.
    • Majority of users reside in the U.S. and the EU.
    • User growth remains strong and we anticipate millions more by the end of 2018.
  • Publishers and Creators :
    • Over 3,500 websites are currently Brave-verified.
    • Over 10,400 YouTube creators and Twitch streamers have verified with Brave.
    • YouTube creators have over 180 million subscribers.
  • Token Programs
    • Million Dollar BAT Giveaway:
      • $1M equivalent in BAT distributed to 52,829 Brave-verified publishers and creators.
    • Brave Creator Referral Program:
      • Early participants have received payments
      • Program reward cap extended from $1M to $2M
      • Over 7,444 creators currently participating.
      • The Referral program is still active. Click here to begin earning and participating in building a Better Web for creators!
  • Product:
    • Multi-property support for Brave creators
    • Brave Payments support for Twitch streamers
    • In 2018, we will bring BAT features to mobile platforms and will launch opt-in private ads that pay users.
  • Community:
  • Brave Storefront, now open for business!
    Show your Brave pride with branded items, more styles on the way!

Interested in becoming a Brave publisher or creator? We’ve got you covered.  

Brave Publishers
Brave Creators
Begin the Brave verification process
Brave Payments FAQ
Brave Publisher and Creator Badges

And remember, we’re hiring worldwide, so please check out our job listings if you’d like to join us!

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