Significant Battery Savings with Brave on Mobile: Brave Consumes 40% Less Battery than Other Leading Browsers
Feb 27, 2019
Brave mobile users can expect up to two and a half extra hours of browsing per battery charge.
Welcome to the Brave blog, your front page for feature releases, privacy enhancements, company updates, info for advertisers, and more.
Feb 27, 2019
Brave mobile users can expect up to two and a half extra hours of browsing per battery charge.
Feb 26, 2019
Two Blockchain Pioneers Join Forces to Reward Users for Attention and Help Brands Reach New Audiences Through Private Ads
Feb 21, 2019
The most recent AMA took place on February 20th and featured Ben Livshits, Brave’s Chief Scientist.
Feb 20, 2019
New evidence to regulators: IAB documents reveal that it knew that real-time bidding would be “incompatible with consent under GDPR”.
Feb 15, 2019
In this post we demonstrate that Brave’s privacy benefits from ad-blocking go hand-in-hand with performance improvements. Specifically, a well-implemented ad blocker can deliver 33% to 66% memory savings or 500 MB to as much as 1.9 GB across just 10 pages open in a single session.
Feb 13, 2019
Never Stop Marketing Research, the leading research firm on the intersection of blockchain and marketing, and Brave Software, an innovative privacy browser combined with a blockchain-based digital advertising platform, today announced the release of a new tool to showcase the growth of blockchain solutions for marketers via the Blockchain MarTech Landscape.
Feb 12, 2019
We have received many questions about script blocking exceptions being reported by several news outlets and blogs. This conversation is about script loading, not tracking.
Feb 6, 2019
$5 million, denominated in BAT, is being designated for this Coinbase Earn opportunity, and 100% of the BAT will go directly to users.
Jan 31, 2019
The most recent AMA took place on January 30th and featured Joel Reis, Senior Software Engineer for iOS, and Sergey Zhukovsky, Senior Software Engineer for Android at Brave.
Jan 29, 2019
Cheddar, the leading post-cable news, media, and entertainment company, and Brave Software, an innovative privacy browser combined with a blockchain-based digital advertising platform, announced today that they are partnering to provide free subscriptions to premium Cheddar content for users of the Brave browser. Brave has committed to funding hundreds of thousands of Brave users to take advantage of the premium Cheddar subscription.
Jan 28, 2019
Brave and co-complainants in Poland, Ireland, and the UK submit new evidence about massive adtech leakage of highly intimate data.
Jan 22, 2019
Big tech companies "cross-use" user data from one part of their business to prop up others. This hurts innovation & choice. The FTC must investigate. Plus, the GDPR is emerging as a defacto international standard. Whether this helps or harms United States firms will be determined by whether the United States enacts and actively enforces robust federal privacy laws.
Jan 17, 2019
The most recent AMA took place on January 16th and featured Tom Lowenthal, Brave’s Privacy & Security Product Manager.
Jan 15, 2019
Today we’re previewing our new digital advertising model in Brave’s Developer channel. Developers and testers using the latest desktop browser build for macOS and Windows can activate opt-in Brave Ads within the Brave Rewards settings in the browser.
Jan 5, 2019
As we look ahead to 2019 and our upcoming Brave 1.0 release with Brave Ads that will reward users for their attention with Basic Attention Tokens (BAT), we wanted to share some of our 2018 milestones and thank our users and partners for their support during this busy year.
Dec 22, 2018
Brave Rewards is our anonymous donation system integrated directly into the Brave desktop browser.
Dec 20, 2018
Along with this update, Brave-verified publishers and creators can customize Tipping Banners for their sites, YouTube channels, or Twitch streams, in order to directly connect with the audiences that wish to seamlessly reward their content.
Dec 19, 2018
AdLedger, the non-profit research and development consortium building and implementing the blockchain standards for digital advertising, today announced that Brave Software, an innovative privacy browser combined with a blockchain-based digital advertising platform, is joining the collective.
Dec 13, 2018
The most recent AMA took place on December 12th and featured Ryan Watson, IT & Operations Manager, and Kamil Jozwiak, QA Lead at Brave.
Dec 12, 2018
We are excited to announce that the latest version of Brave (1.7) for iOS is now available for download at the App Store.