
Brave’s latest news

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Brave Crypto DNS Strategy

May 26, 2021

Brave, as part of our mission to make crypto accessible and usable to all, is integrating several blockchain-based DNS providers. As we integrate these crypto-DNS providers, we commit to the following principles in resolving domain names…


May 26, 2021

We received 10 RFC&C proposals from teams focusing on both L1 and L2 tech that brought practical insights on how to improve the original THEMISv2 protocol spec. In this blogpost, we’ll dive into each of the received proposals and provide pointers for the material each team submitted for the RFC&C.

Why Brave Disables FLoC

Apr 12, 2021

Brave opposes FLoC, a recent Google proposal that would have your browser share your browsing behavior and interests by default with every site and advertiser with which you interact.

BAT Roadmap 2.0: Update 1

Apr 7, 2021

At Brave, we want to make crypto usable and defi accessible for everyone, and towards that end we are excited to share the progress we have made since we published the BAT Roadmap 2.0 in February 2021.

Announcing The Brave Marketer Podcast

Mar 29, 2021

The world is waking up to the power of crypto. We'll cover topics like: NFTs, DeFi, wallets, DAOs, Web3, Layer 1 protocols, privacy, and the creator economy.

THEMIS RFC&C: Update #2

Mar 9, 2021

The THEMIS RFC&C event, which started early February, has brought independent researchers and over 10 companies together with the Brave research team to comment and propose directions for the future of the Brave Ads protocol.

Comparing the Network Behavior of Popular Browsers on First-Run

Mar 8, 2021

You can learn quite a bit about a browser from observing the requests it makes in its first moments with a new user profile. Often, a cursory examination will tell you a great deal about how the browser thinks about, and handles, user privacy and security.

BAT Roadmap 2.0

Feb 22, 2021

Capitalizing on our user base and the success we have had with BAT adoption, we intend to make crypto and decentralized finance (DeFi) accessible and usable for everyone through the following efforts.