
Private Search Engine

How search algorithms power search engines

Jul 17, 2023

This article gives a primer on search algorithms, the basic building block of search engines, and the thing that powers the query results you see on search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Brave Search.

How to clear search history on your device

Jul 17, 2023

In this guide, we'll look at how to clear search and browsing history, and look at some alternatives that keep search history / browser history hidden even from tech companies.

How search ads work, and how they use your data

Jul 17, 2023

In this article, we'll introduce the basics of search engine advertising. What search ads are, how they work, and how Big Tech options like Google use search ads to collect your data. We'll also discuss private alternatives like Brave Search ads.

How do private search engines impact advertisers?

Jul 17, 2023

More and more people are switching to private search engines like Brave Search, and away from Big Tech options like Google. But how do these private options affect advertisers? Can private search show useful ads, protect users, and support the continued operation of the search engine itself? In this article, a discussion of how private search engines impact ads and advertisers.

Ready for a better Internet?

Brave’s easy-to-use browser blocks ads by default, making the Web cleaner, faster, and safer for people all over the world.