Blog category

Developers & community

BLaDE: Brave's Performance Evaluation Testbed

Aug 14, 2024

Introducing BLaDE: Brave's open-source testbed for automated mobile performance evaluation. This system accurately measures device metrics while simulating user actions, enhancing mobile app assessment.

Verifiably Private Computation

Feb 13, 2023

An overview of how Brave is able to process sensitive data without actually seeing the data, while also empowering users to verify our claims.

AMA with Peter Snyder

Sep 15, 2021

The ongoing AMA series on Reddit features guests from the Brave/BAT team. The most recent AMA took place on August 18th with Peter Snyder, Senior Privacy Researcher and Director of Privacy at Brave.


May 26, 2021

We received 10 RFC&C proposals from teams focusing on both L1 and L2 tech that brought practical insights on how to improve the original THEMISv2 protocol spec. In this blogpost, we’ll dive into each of the received proposals and provide pointers for the material each team submitted for the RFC&C.

THEMIS RFC&C: Update #2

Mar 9, 2021

The THEMIS RFC&C event, which started early February, has brought independent researchers and over 10 companies together with the Brave research team to comment and propose directions for the future of the Brave Ads protocol.

AMA with Brave and IPFS

Feb 8, 2021

The ongoing AMA series is an opportunity for our users and fans to get to know the Brave team, and, as of recently, guests from Brave’s partners.


Feb 8, 2021

A month ago we announced an RFC&C for the THEMIS protocol which is meant to progressively decentralize the Brave/BAT Ads infrastructure, while providing users and advertisers with the ability to verify that the protocol is properly computing user rewards.

Brave Private Content Delivery Network

Dec 10, 2020

Brave is a company where privacy isn’t just a feature; it’s a requirement. This is perhaps most obvious in the Brave Browser, where we block trackers, prevent fingerprinting, and include a privacy-preserving, opt-in and user-first ad-system, but Brave’s focus on privacy goes far beyond the browser.