
Privacy updates

Localhost Resource Permission

Jun 27, 2023

Starting in version 1.54, Brave for desktop and Android will include more powerful features for controlling which sites can access local network resources, and for how long.

Request "Off the Record"

May 24, 2023

Request OTR is another in Brave's suite of features that support the privacy needs of individual users, protecting far beyond the "standard" threats browsers typically watch out for.

Forgetful Browsing

May 11, 2023

Forgetful Browsing is similar to, but more powerful and protective than, popular browsing extensions and private browsing modes. It's another example of Brave offering the most powerful privacy features of any popular browser.

"Google Sign-In" Permission

Mar 6, 2023

Starting in version 1.51, Brave will increase user privacy by extending the brower's permission system to cover legacy Google Sign-In…

HTTPS by Default

Feb 9, 2023

Starting in version 1.50, Brave will include a new feature called “HTTPS by Default” that improves Web security and privacy by increasing HTTPS use.

STAR: Brave’s new system for privacy-preserving data collection

Jul 19, 2022

Brave's new system STAR protects user privacy by ensuring the data users contribute are never unique to that user. This property, sometimes called k-anonymity, ensures that the data collector can only see a submitted value if the same value has also been submitted by some number of other users.

Protecting against browser-language fingerprinting

Apr 1, 2022

Brave has further strengthened its fingerprinting protections by preventing users from being identified based on preferred browser language. Starting with version 1.39, Brave randomizes how your browser informs sites of what language(s) you’ve set as default, and what fonts you have installed on your system.

"Unlinkable bouncing" for more protection against bounce tracking

Mar 8, 2022

Brave is shipping a new, powerful privacy-protecting feature called Unlinkable Bouncing. This feature protects your privacy by noticing when you're about to visit a privacy harming site, and instead routes that visit through a new, temporary browser storage.

Partitioning network-state for privacy

Dec 22, 2021

Brave now includes network-state partitioning features, protecting Brave users from an even greater range of online tracking techniques.

Preventing pool-party attacks

Dec 15, 2021

Brave has identified a new category of tracking vulnerability, forms of which are present in all browsers. We call this category of attack “pool-party” attacks because the attack uses collections (or “pools”) of limited-but-shared resources to create side channels.


Oct 14, 2021

Brave is releasing additional protections against certain forms of bounce tracking. We call these new protections "debouncing". As of desktop version 1.32, Brave will protect users against bounce tracking by recognizing when the user is about to visit a known tracking domain, skipping visiting the tracking site all together, and instead directly navigating the user to the intended destination.

Custom filter list subscriptions

Sep 21, 2021

Starting in version 1.31, Brave will support custom filter list subscriptions, allowing users to further control how unwanted network requests and in-page elements are blocked in Brave. This work is part of Brave’s goal of providing best-of-breed content filtering tools, and keeping people in control of their Web browsing.

Improving privacy by improving Web compatibility

Sep 1, 2021

Brave is disabling filter list blocking for first-party subresources to improve privacy for typical Brave users. Advanced users still have the ability to deploy more aggressive privacy protections, even those that might break sites.