Twitch Support
Mar 1, 2018
Today we’re announcing that Twitch streamers can earn revenue in connection with the Brave browser. As part of our commitment to Twitch, we have added up to an additional $1 million to our referral program for creators.
Mar 1, 2018
Today we’re announcing that Twitch streamers can earn revenue in connection with the Brave browser. As part of our commitment to Twitch, we have added up to an additional $1 million to our referral program for creators.
Feb 27, 2018
Today Brave is proud to announce its corporate sponsorship of Let’s Encrypt, a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA).
Feb 15, 2018
Brave Software, which is combining an innovative browser with a blockchain-based digital advertising platform, announced today that it is launching an up to Million Dollar referral program to reward online publishers and YouTube creators.
Feb 1, 2018
As part of our effort to make the Basic Attention Token platform even more efficient and easy to use for our thousands of verified sites and content creators, we recently upgraded our Publishers website to allow a single publisher account to manage multiple properties.
Jan 31, 2018
Today we’re releasing a desktop browser update with highly-awaited features and performance improvements, as well as multiple fixes for issues reported by our user community.
Jan 24, 2018
We’re pleased to report that nearly 100,000 grants of our Million Dollar promotional Basic Attention Token (BAT) giveaway have already been claimed.
Jan 17, 2018
Today we’re excited to announce the launch of our $1M BAT giveaway so our users can support their favorite sites and content creators.
Jan 12, 2018
We would like to take a moment to thank all of our users and supporters for an amazing 2017, and we look forward to welcoming what is sure to be an exciting 2018.
Dec 20, 2017
Welcome to the first edition of our development blog detailing the progression of work being done at Brave Software.
Dec 14, 2017
Brave and DuckDuckGo are thrilled to announce a partnership today to radically improve Internet privacy. Standard browsing and search compromise user data.
Dec 6, 2017
Today we’re announcing a limited time promotion that grants Brave browser users utility tokens that can be contributed directly to their favorite sites and YouTube channels.
Nov 16, 2017
With today’s release of Brave browser 0.19.95 for the desktop, audiences can use the Brave Payments system to reward their favorite YouTube creators with Basic Attention Tokens (BAT).
Nov 9, 2017
Brave on Android recently exceeded one million downloads in the Google Play store. The app design provides easy access to Brave Shields.
Oct 20, 2017
This past weekend, a few members of our engineering team packed up and traveled to Waterloo, Ontario, to join 100 teams (over 400 developers from 32 countries) at ETHWaterloo, the world’s largest Ethereum hackathon.
Oct 12, 2017
Today we’re pleased to announce that the first phase of BAT Mercury is complete, four and half months after our token sale.
Aug 25, 2017
We’re excited to welcome Dr. Ben Livshits as Chief Scientist and David Temkin as Chief Product Officer to our 30-member staff.
Apr 25, 2017
Back-story: Brave users reported ads getting past our ad-blocking shields in previous Chromium versions, beginning with reports of ads displaying on YouTube.com on October 11, 2016.
Mar 30, 2017
Why should users care about privacy, and protecting their data from being collected and sold by third parties?
Mar 11, 2017
Today we are unpublishing Link Bubble from the Google Play Store.
Jan 17, 2017
Brave appeared on the scene last year and was quick to make a name for itself.