
Machine Learning



Venue Title Topic
MobiCom MELTing Point: Mobile Evaluation of Language Transformers Machine Learning, Systems
ICML Maestro: Uncovering Low-Rank Structures via Trainable Decomposition Machine Learning
ICML Recurrent Early Exits for Federated Learning with Heterogeneous Clients Machine Learning
ICLR Confidential-DPproof: Confidential Proof of Differentially Private Training Machine Learning


Venue Title Topic
RecSys Stronger Privacy for Federated Collaborative Filtering With Implicit Feedback Machine Learning, Privacy


Venue Title Topic
USENIX ATC Percival: Making In-Browser Perceptual Ad Blocking Practical With Deep Learning Machine Learning, Privacy
IEEE S&P AdGraph: A Machine Learning Approach to Automatic and Effective Adblocking Machine Learning, Privacy
MLSys Privacy-Preserving Bandits Machine Learning, Privacy
CHI Evaluating the End-User Experience of Private Browsing Mode Machine Learning, Privacy