Brave Welcomes 6 Leading DApps to its new Wallet Partner Program

Brave’s native crypto wallet now features integrations from ApeSwap, Arken, Bogged, DODO, Open Ocean, and Skiff

Brave’s native crypto wallet now features integrations from ApeSwap, Arken, Bogged, DODO, Open Ocean, and Skiff

The introduction of the multichain Brave Wallet in the Brave browser enables Brave’s 60 million monthly active users to easily onboard to Web3, the decentralized iteration of the Internet that will shift power from Big Tech to users. No other platform combines Brave’s privacy and security protections with such easy, user-first opportunities to directly connect with Web3 decentralized applications (DApps).

When Brave Wallet users have their wallets active, the Brave browser automatically detects Web3 DApps. However, many users benefit from the inclusion of the Brave Wallet as an option among those enumerated to DApp users, including users who have yet to discover Brave Wallet or are navigating the Web in Brave with their wallet still in a locked state.

To address this, we’ve created the Brave Wallet Partner Program. The pilot phase of the program involves outreach to the top DApps in decentralized finance (DeFi), exchanges, marketplaces, private email and collaboration, and gaming for networks supported in the multichain Brave Wallet.

The program aims to drive awareness about Brave Wallet, while providing an opportunity to discuss ways that Brave and partners can collaborate on additional BAT utility programs or integrations. Partners in the program integrate Brave Wallet into their wallet connection list, and co-promote their DApp integration with Brave through marketing channels in Brave, blog posts, communities, and social media.

The DApps that were first to integrate the Brave Wallet in the pilot program range from DeFi to Web3 utility, across networks currently supported by the multichain Brave Wallet.

Collectively, the first set of partner DApps for the Brave Wallet Partner Program have over 646,810 90-day unique wallets and over $3,663,404,340 total 90-day volume across over 10 blockchain networks.

“We’re excited to announce the first partners that have integrated Brave Wallet into their DApps through the program, as more and more users are looking to easily access DApps and take advantage of Web3 technology to be in charge of their data,” said Luke Mulks, Vice President of Business Operations at Brave. “We’re looking forward to sharing updates about more partners added through the program, as well as announcements about partners on BAT utility collaborations in the months ahead.”


ApeSwap is a decentralized finance platform offering a full suite of tools to explore and engage with the future of wealth building, overseen by the ApeSwap Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). The community and partners can tap into the next generation of financial innovation through their decentralized exchange, utility token staking, premium launchpad, lending network, and NFT marketplace in a secure, transparent, and globally accessible way.

“Integrating Brave Wallet into the ApeSwap protocol is a natural partnership. We share the mission of giving our audiences the freedom to explore and innovate on their terms, without interference from other parties. Moreover, ApeSwap consistently holds the deepest liquidity for BAT on the BNB Chain, giving Brave Wallet users the most DeFi options to earn through staking, farming, or lending on one of the most secure platforms on the market,” said DK, Co-Founder and Head of Business Development at ApeSwap.

Arken Finance

Arken Finance is an all-in-one trading portal for DeFi traders. It offers the best-in-class, multi-chain tool for DEX traders to track thousands of tokens and synthetic assets within a single point of entry. Users can get access to real-time trading views, and best rate swaps with complimentary trading features such as Limit Orders, Price Alerts, and Best Rate Cross-chain Swaps.

“Adding Brave Wallet to Arken Finance is just the beginning. Partnering with Brave is a big move for us in achieving our team’s mission: to support the mass adoption of DeFi and make the user experience more accessible for everyone. We really hope that, along with the Brave team, we will create stronger decentralized finance applications for the world,” said Por, Head of Business Development at Arken Finance.


Bogged is a suite of powerful DeFi trading tools, including DEX aggregator, limit orders, stop-losses, and more. Bogged is trusted with over $2 billion of trading volume and is available on ten chains.

“We’re excited to give Brave users the chance to experience Bogged’s extensive platform, which includes a variety of tools designed to help you trade like a pro.

Traders can now use Brave to access Bogged’s market-leading DeFi trading tools directly. Thanks to our full integration, you may now place orders, make trades, and more, all within the Brave platform at lightning speeds,” said Luke Martinez, Co-Founder at Bogged.


DODO is a decentralized multi-chain trading platform that uses the innovative Proactive Market Maker (PMM) algorithm to provide efficient on-chain liquidity for Web3 assets, making it easy for everyone to trade crypto assets.

“DODO has a strong commitment to providing open financial access to everyone. Integrating Brave Wallet with the DODO DApp brings us closer to this goal and provides our users with more options than ever before,” said Diane Dai, CMO at DODO.


OpenOcean is crypto’s most efficient DEX aggregator, providing users the best swap rates on all major blockchains with deep liquidity and low slippage.

“We’re thrilled to integrate Brave Wallet as one of our top wallet options for our users to use. Our partnership will bring our users a seamless and efficient experience in trading and earning crypto across multi-chain,” said Cindy Wu, Co-Founder at OpenOcean.


Skiff’s integration with Brave Wallet allows users to access privacy-first, end-to-end encrypted email and collaboration. With only two clicks, all Brave Wallet users can seamlessly log into Skiff’s privacy-first application suite and start using end-to-end encrypted email and collaboration. The integration allows for email and collaboration among Brave wallets as well, one of the first uses of a crypto wallet for end-to-end encryption.

“Bringing privacy-first collaboration and communication to all Brave users aligns deeply with Skiff’s and Brave’s mission. We’re thrilled to work with the Brave Wallet team to empower freer and more private communication and collaboration,” explained Andrew Milich, CEO and Co-Founder of Skiff.

For the current pilot phase of the Brave Wallet Partner Program, Brave is approaching leading DApps in each vertical that meet a minimum criteria of 90-day volume and unique wallet counts (on-chain). We also aim to adapt the pilot program to a public-facing program later this year so that additional DApps can submit requests to participate.

In the meantime, if you’re a developer interested in simply integrating Brave Wallet into your DApp, we provide detailed developer documentation here.

About Brave Wallet

Brave Wallet is a crypto wallet built natively into the Brave browser, enabling Brave users to store, manage, grow, and swap their crypto portfolio from a single wallet. Unlike most crypto wallets, Brave Wallet does not require extensions; it’s browser-native, reducing security risks and reliance on extra CPU and memory. Users can transact with almost any crypto asset with superior safety and performance, as well as connect with other wallets and Web3 DApps. Brave Wallet is available on desktop and mobile.

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