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Episode 19

Cherishing the World of Analog, and Advocating For Your Right to Privacy

Carissa Véliz, Associate Professor at the Institute for AI at the University of Oxford, discusses how our personal data is the currency of power for tech giants, and ways the balance can be tipped back in favor of individual rights. We also address the privacy implications of large language models, and consider whether OpenAI and tools like ChatGPT are complying with the GDPR.

Show Notes

In this episode of The Brave Technologist Podcast, we discuss:

  • How the erosion of privacy poses a real threat to our fundamental values of democracy
  • Why she advocates an end to the data economy, some alternative, and the companies leading the way in privacy-first business models
  • The analog world and its role in safeguarding our privacy, along with different ways to design AI that would require less of our personal data
  • The temptation to abuse power, and how we may navigate the intersection of technology, privacy, and ethics moving forward

Guest List

The amazing cast and crew:

  • Carissa Véliz - Associate Professor at the Institute for AI at the University of Oxford

    Carissa Véliz is an Associate Professor in Philosophy at the Institute for Ethics in AI at the University of Oxford. She is the recipient of the 2021 Herbert A. Simon Award for Outstanding Research in Computing and Philosophy. She is the author of the highly-acclaimed Privacy Is Power (an Economist book of the year, 2020), and the editor of the Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics. She is a member of UNESCO’s Women 4 Ethical AI, and she advises companies and policymakers around the world on privacy and the ethics of AI.

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Shedding light on the opportunities and challenges of emerging tech. To make it digestible, less scary, and more approachable for all!
Join us as we embark on a mission to demystify artificial intelligence, challenge the status quo, and empower everyday people to embrace the digital revolution. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a curious mind, or an industry professional, this podcast invites you to join the conversation and explore the future of AI together.