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Season 6 | Episode 14

Leveraging the Virtual Real Estate Market with SuperWorld

Hrish Lotlikar, Co-founder and CEO at SuperWorld, discusses how they’re blending the virtual and physical world to unlock diverse opportunities for brands to reach more customers, unlock new monetization opportunities and build community.

Brave pick of the week

This week's Brave Pick of the Week is EtherMail. Check out their website here.


[00:00:00] Donny: Brands are navigating the new Web Three world, and with it comes an opportunity for experimentation, innovation, and engaging consumers in entirely new ways. But where do you start and when? In this new season of the Brave Marketer Podcast, we’re talking Web three marketing and how to market in the Metaverse.

[00:00:19] You hear from marketers, from top brands and agencies who will help us leverage this exciting moment in time and take our brave marketing moments to the next. Hosted by Brave Software and me, Donny

[00:00:30] Hrish: Devork.

[00:00:32] Donny: You’re listening to a new episode of The Brave Marketer Podcast, and this one features Rich Kar.

[00:00:37] He’s the co-founder and CEO E O at Super World, which is a virtual world mapped onto the real world with plots of virtual real estate available to collect as NFTs users can buy or sell properties, and create opportunities to monetize their lands in the Metaverse. Previously Rich was co-founder of Rogue Initiative Studios, Hollywood Film, tv, gaming, and immersive entertainment studio.

[00:00:58] I think you’re really gonna like this episode because we [00:01:00] discussed how I R L event. organizers can enhance their physical events by utilizing emerging technologies like AR and vr. We talk about the impact that the US real estate market downturn has had on the virtual real estate market and how to decide whether your brand should buy land in the virtual world.

[00:01:14] But before we hop today’s episode, we wanna highlight our brave pick of. Every episode we choose a brand that has run an ad campaign with Brave as our pick of the week. And this week we’re choosing either mail, the first email solution that is setting the standards for anonymous and encrypted wall to wall communication.

[00:01:30] They have been utilizing Brave’s push notifications ads to drive user signups with successful wallet connections. Either mail is seeing strong results because our user base is passionate about privacy and already immersed in the web three. The perfect match for the target audience. And now for this week’s episode of The Brave Marketer.

[00:01:53] Hi Rich, welcome to the Brave Marketer

[00:01:55] Hrish: Podcast. How you doing today? Great. Thanks so much for having me on. Excited to be here. [00:02:00] Yeah, we’re excited to have you

[00:02:01] Donny: on. We’re excited to have you talk about Super World. So with that being said, for those that don’t know Super World, can you give us just a general.

[00:02:09] Hrish: Sure. So, you know, we were inspired to start Super World because of, what we saw with Pokemon Go coming out about six years ago, right? So, previous to Super World, I’d started another company in the vr ar space. And when we saw Pokemon come out and, you know, all these people running around looking for Pokemon.

[00:02:29] We thought to ourselves, you know what, what if I could empower anyone to create, discover, and monetize any type of content in real world locations? And so if we couldn’t, you know, build the next Pokemon Go, what if we could build a world? where the next thousand Pokemon goes gets built onto it. Right? And that was kind of the, vision for Super World is how could we, again, enable anyone to have the ability to create content, discover content, and monetize content anywhere.

[00:02:57] And then we added Web three to that. [00:03:00] So that way, you know, we can enable people to be able to own the geospatial surrounding. Anywhere in the world. So again, we divided the surface of the Earth into 64 billion properties of virtual real estate 0.01, 0.01 longitude, latitude covering earth. And so you could buy a location and become a stakeholder there.

[00:03:26] You could activate monetization from any activity, from advertising, e-commerce, digital commerce, data analytics, gaming, defi from anything that anyone’s doing in that location, right? And you become a stakeholder there. And addition to that, you could create content that you could also own and have a very direct relationship with your customers, such as NFTs DAOs.

[00:03:50] So it’s basically an immersive tech web three and ai. Technology, leveraging that across the real world.

[00:03:59] Donny: What’s the most exciting [00:04:00] thing that you’re

[00:04:00] Hrish: working on right now? So, you know, we have a variety of initiatives in Super World that we’re really excited about. I’d say the first initiative that we’ve launched recently and is gonna have a big splash in the next month with the launch of a big brand partner is events.

[00:04:15] And so we want to enable people to get to know what’s happening. In places where they’re living, where they’re going to travel in places around the world and be able to not only participate I r L, so I r l events in real life as well as, you know, if you can’t make it, i r l, can you see some immersive content in that location?

[00:04:38] If you are able to make it, or you know, you want to keep in touch with the community that is formed around that event, can you join a DAO or can you create a DAO with that event and the people that are involved there? Can you, as an organizer, Sell NFTs either as tickets or as collectibles for attendees who’ve attended the event.

[00:04:59] So again, we want to [00:05:00] bring immersive tech and web three as well as AI for generative content and discovery for the events, category. And the purpose of it is, again, to enable event creator. To be able to further enhance their ability to monetize their event in a variety of ways for attendees who can make it i r L, but also for attendees who maybe could never make it to their event, and for those attendees to also engage with their community.

[00:05:29] And then also create a way for attendees or people that are interested in the, you know, the subject matter as an example of an event or, something that’s happening there to be able to also engage that community that’s naturally forming around that event. So bringing together web three.

[00:05:46] Ar, VR and AI around the events business. So very excited about moving into events with Super World. And the key there is, it’s i r L events. what we’re not talking about is necessarily people creating an avatar [00:06:00] and going to a virtual world to interact with each other. What I’m talking about is enhancing the physical event that’s actually happening somewhere in a location in the real world.

[00:06:11] Mm. Got it. That

[00:06:12] Donny: makes sense. And so what’s the user base like? How many people are using Super World on a monthly or daily basis? .

[00:06:19] Hrish: Yeah. So, you know, I think the thing that we are most interested in is what does someone do when they come to Super World? And what we’ve seen since the very beginning and even in this crypto winter, is we’re continuing to see this interesting metric, which is the average paying user who.

[00:06:36] Comes to Super World, does about 10 to 15 transactions and spends around two to $4,000, depending on the price of Ether. And then refers to us about six paying customers. We have about 50,000 monthly active users that comes to Super World. Mm-hmm. . And we’re, you know, currently still in an alpha state. But the idea is that if.

[00:06:57] Click and you understand what we’re building [00:07:00] with Super World. the user journey is that you know, a lot of people in the mainstream audience, by the way, that’s kind of who we’re shooting for as a mainstream user. A lot of those users. Don’t completely yet understand what an N F T is. They don’t completely understand the differences between AR and vr.

[00:07:18] They don’t maybe understand where AI is gonna impact them. I maybe they’ve played with chat G P T, but they’re still trying to wrap their hand around it. Mm-hmm. . And they also are very curious about the metaverse. Right. They know it’s gonna be big, but they don’t know exactly how they’re gonna move into it as a business.

[00:07:33] right. As a brand, and maybe they have a store, you know, how do they get into the Metaverse, right? Yeah. And what they’re doing is they come to Super World and they might not know those other things, but they know where they live. They know where they have a business, they know where they like spending time, whether it’s going on vacation or spending time with their family and their home city, wherever it is, right?

[00:07:55] They know these location. And so what they do is they come to Super World [00:08:00] and they buy these places, right? Mm-hmm. , they come and they buy these places in the world that they have some special attachment to. And guess what? They now have a wallet and they have some Ethereum in their wallet. Mm-hmm. . And so the next question they ask is, so now that I own this real estate, what can I do?

[00:08:18] How can I create an N F T? Maybe I should create one for my customer base. Maybe I should do something for my, softball team. Yeah. You know, how can I create a dao, how can I create AR content to get customers to come to my store? How can I, again, utilize AI to create generative content in these locations?

[00:08:37] And so the idea is that what we’ve done is we’ve effectively created this gateway. This gateway for this mainstream user to get into the metaverse. And now when they’re in, they want to get into Defi, they wanna get into other crypto, they want to get into other virtual worlds. And so our mission at Super World as we’re building out the platform is [00:09:00] to make it really easy.

[00:09:02] For anyone to get into Super World and get into the metaverse and then make tools that make it really easy for them to add content, to utilize Web three and AI in real world locations, in places where they’re already living, where they have a business, you know, places they’re important to them, and that’s what’s really interesting about what we’re seeing in terms of user behavior.

[00:09:26] Yeah.

[00:09:26] Donny: So it sounds like it’s a sticky product because they come in and then they refer, you know, six friends and then those six can use, you know, refer more and it grows like that. It’s uh,almost like an m mlm .

[00:09:38] Hrish: Yeah. And actually we’re, working on growing that strategy cuz we’ve seen it to be so effective.

[00:09:43] Yeah. And we’re running a decentralized world. , right. So you know what I always say, Donnie, is that if this clicks with you, right, and you go ahead and you buy a plot of land, you will go ahead and buy more because it’s, once you understand it, you’re like, okay, I just got this [00:10:00] place in my home city.

[00:10:01] You know what I should figure out if this other place in the world that I love, is that available? , what about this place where I grew up? Or what about this place where I went to school? You know? And so that’s kind of how it starts. And so you get very engaged. And you know, the thing that I’d like to add is that everyone has a story, right?

[00:10:18] Yeah. And so, if I ask you, a question as a user said, Donnie, you know, Where did you buy land? In Super World. You’re gonna tell me exactly where? Mm-hmm. . You’re gonna know precisely all of the places you bought land. Number two, you’re gonna tell me a very personal story about why. Yeah. You got married there, you went to high school there.

[00:10:40] You have a business there, there’s something very, very specific that you’re gonna tell me, that’s gonna tell me a story about why that place is special to you. And thirdly, you’re gonna tell me what you want to do there. Yeah. And so regardless of, you know, your familiarity with the technology, you’re gonna have an idea about [00:11:00] what you want to build, what’s the purpose, is it to get people to come to your business, et cetera.

[00:11:04] And so that’s what’s very interesting about our user behavior. Focused on now building for you, Donnie, because you’ve come on board, you’ve told us exactly what you want to do, and we’re now building those tools that enable you to do what you wanna do to engage with your community. Yeah.

[00:11:19] Donny: have brands started participating in Super World?

[00:11:22] Hrish: Yeah.

[00:11:22] You know what’s also super awesome and interesting is when we talk to these users, you know, people who come on board and buy their real estate. We uncover very quickly that they are brands, they’re retailers, they’re small and medium sized businesses.

[00:11:40] Some of them are, big brands that have a strategy. Some of them are, you know, the people that head those brands and they’re coming in and they’re personally buying properties because they want to bring this into their organization. So we’ve seen, a variety of partnerships. So I’ll give you an example.

[00:11:56] know, for the Monaco Yacht Show last year, we. A yacht [00:12:00] designer created digital 3D yacht that we had pull into Monaco Harbor for the Monaco Yacht Show, and someone bought the 3D yacht and got access to the show. So we almost used the, 3D yacht as a premium kind of entrance or an access to the Monaco yacht.

[00:12:21] We had a, club in New York in Miami called Custom House, which is a luxury club that sold a lifetime membership to their club as an N F T. Hmm. So you come on board and you, buy that N F T and you have a lifetime membership to the club. And in a few years if you decide to, you know, sell that me.

[00:12:41] When you know, maybe the cost of a lifetime membership is a bit higher, the club can benefit from the secondary transaction of that membership. So it allows them to kind of innovate their business model. We’ve done a partnership in the Caribbean with the World Bank and Disaster Fighters, which is a not-for-profit [00:13:00] entity where the disaster fighters brought together artists.

[00:13:03] In conjunction with the World Bank to raise money for hurricane disaster relief in the Caribbean, in the Amazon jungle, we had tribes come together alongside Patrick Amada, who’s an artist alongside another Knot for-Profit as well. And the purpose of it was to create digital. In the Amazon rainforest so people could learn about deforestation that’s happening in the Amazon jungle.

[00:13:31] And so what’s really interesting about every single one of these examples, and these are just a few of the many examples, and is that all of these originated from. The land buyer coming on board and expressing to us why they were buying certain plots and why they were interested in certain geographies.

[00:13:50] Mm-hmm. , and that’s how these kind of projects came in. And so what we’re thinking about at Super World is as we look at these demographics of buyers, You know, how do we [00:14:00] go and kind of expand that and scale that up across different geographies? And so we’ve picked a few showcase locations where we’re working with a number of brand partners in Miami, in Dubai, and in Riyad, Saudi Arabia.

[00:14:15] So we’re very excited about launching those showcase locations over the next several months. That’s awesome.

[00:14:20] Donny: So, Podcast is all about brave marketing moments. It’s a moment in time where you took a risk inside of your career and hopefully it paid off. What is your brave

[00:14:32] Hrish: marketing moment, rich. You know, I went on a journey about 14 years ago.

[00:14:38] I was doing venture capital in New York and, you know, having a great time enjoying it. And I’d always been a fan of, world traveler and, you know, being, kind of very global just from growing up, just traveling a lot. And so my idea was, you know, I’ve learned a lot about venture capital, being at this venture capital fund in New York, working for an amazing boss [00:15:00] that I have, who’s actually an investor in Super world as well.

[00:15:02] You know, I thought, you know what, wouldn’t it be cool to go somewhere in the emerging markets and go and start a venture capital fund? Hmm. So it started off as an idea, and I didn’t know anyone in Eastern Europe, which was my first kind of destination, but I got on a plane. and I didn’t know anyone. And I got on a plane and went to Ukraine.

[00:15:20] This was 2009. Mm-hmm. . And then I went to Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Moldova, places that you wouldn’t go to right now? Unfortunately, no. I, you know, it’s, not a good time as you know, to be in that region. I was just in Poland a few times. So recently just everyone from Belarus and, Ukraine.

[00:15:39] I ended up starting a venture capital fund, over there after about a year and a half. So it, it worked out that, you know, leap of faith of doing that worked out, changed my whole life. You know, even I met my girlfriend and I married to my wife, you know, met her in that first. Tripped. I know it’s Valentine’s Day today.

[00:15:55] So things like that, those leaps of base brave actions can change your life. But, [00:16:00] you know, always very, very motivated to do what you love is what I think about in life. And you know, super world’s definitely one of those other leaps of faith that happened five years ago. And we realized, you know what, why don’t we build a world?

[00:16:11] So that was another one. Mm-hmm. , that’s. So what’s

[00:16:14] Donny: the virtual real estate market like in 2023 right now? Did it see a downturn like the rest of the US real estate market? And then also how does it compare and contrast to the N F T market and just everything going on in the

[00:16:30] Hrish: metaverse. Yeah, that’s a really great question.

[00:16:33] So, you know, I think that the overall organic demand for NFTs, you know, took a big decline in general. And so I think the virtual real estate market, In general was affected by that. So the organic, you know, just general mainstream user who was coming on board because they were kind of attracted to NFTs.

[00:16:55] I don’t think that customer is as easily found as they were, you know, [00:17:00] beginning of 2022. Now, the thing that we see in terms of Super World, as I mentioned, that metric is something. We still are seeing, and we’ve seen that from the very beginning. And so when someone realizes that a plot of virtual real estate in super world conforms to a real world location, and that real world location still has value because.

[00:17:22] People are still walking around Miami or walking around New York and you know, this business owner still has a business there or wants to market there or wants to create something in that location. part of our thesis as it relates to virtual real estate in a big differentiation from the general virtual real estate market is super world occupies, real world locations.

[00:17:43] right. then the other part of the thesis is that we’re very open as a platform. So again, you know, we incorporate all types of software. So we’re in Unity, you know, unreal Engine, we’re built on AR kit, ar core, you know, we’ll build on Oculus. So, you know, software side, hardware side, we’re very [00:18:00] agnostic.

[00:18:00] And I’d say that the other thing that’s really interesting, is that again, when you are getting or buying these locations, you know, the typical N F T kind of customer is realizing that this is a lot more than just a typical N F T. You’re occupying geospatial land that you can activate monetization potential at, right?

[00:18:22] From all of these different things that you’re creating. And so once we have a customer who’s educated on. Who understands the difference in what we term virtual real estate at Super World versus a typical N F T. We get that difference in response that I mentioned to you. The difference being that the customer

[00:18:42] Really can, you know, explain to me why they’re so excited about that. This is where they’re telling me stories about why that virtual real estate is something they cherish in the world. Mm-hmm. . Right? While if I ask them about another N F T. You know, they might give me a smile and, [00:19:00] and kind of not be able to completely explain why they got into a certain N F T.

[00:19:04] And this happens to me every day, so I kind of, I’ve seen this a lot, is they can really intellectualize to me what the difference in a piece of virtual real estate is as opposed to a regular N F T. Now, to go back to your real estate question, just physical real estate. And that’s a very interesting question as well, because when I talk to customers of virtual real estate, oftentimes they’re physical real estate developers.

[00:19:28] So we are, you know, we’re lucky enough to be partnered with many very large physical real estate developers. And why is that? Because they understand that they own physical, real. In locations around the world and they understand the phenomenon that was Pokemon ago. And they also understand what’s happening here in terms of utilizing immersive tech to visualize properties.

[00:19:54] I mean, what, you know, we, see it already. People are taking, virtual tours of homes. People are [00:20:00] visualizing construction projects before they’re completed. You know, there’s a company here called 11 Group in Miami that sold. You know, their whole building project just in vr, and they have a pretty impressive VR kind of visualization.

[00:20:14] And so back to your question about real estate, I think real estate developers get it. And they’re very excited about it. And so even though I think there’s been a softening in the real estate market, mm-hmm. , virtual real estate in Super World is 0.1, ether for a city block of land, about $150 for a city block.

[00:20:32] So still very affordable. We wanna make it accessible to everyone. There’s 64 billion plots of land covering Earth, so anyone can get in. They just have to figure out where in the world that they find valuable and once they buy that asset, they can repri. To whatever they want. So they might have a strategy and they might say, you know what, I just got up some, prime property In Miami, it’s shouldn’t be valued at $160 a city block.

[00:20:56] It should be valued at, you know, you name the price, whatever they think it should be valued [00:21:00] at. Right. And depending on their value of the property, they can reprice it and sell it as, you know, based on a buyer coming with them and agreeing on that price. So it gives a real estate owner.

[00:21:11] A lot more flexibility, especially as it relates to monetization and to creation. That’s the beauty of virtual real estate. So we find a lot of interest from real estate develop. Yeah, that makes a

[00:21:21] Donny: ton of sense. They’re like, okay, this is working for me in the, physical world I wanna bring into the virtual world.

[00:21:26] So we talked about a little bit about brands and how they’re participating in the virtual world, and I’d love to go in a little bit more detail just because this is the Brave Marketer Podcast. We have a lot of marketers listening to this. Can you give some specific examples about what brands are doing?

[00:21:40] how would you like coach a brand if there was like, okay, there’s a brand they want to get into, super world. , what would you tell them is the best way to have, you

[00:21:48] Hrish: know, success? Yeah, that’s a great question. So, I think that what we really focus on in terms of our vision at Super World is our mission is to enhance [00:22:00] people’s real lives.

[00:22:01] Okay? Again, focusing on your real life, your physical life. And then the other mission, the overriding mission of Super World is how do we build a better. How do we build a virtual world that actually enhances humanity? So those are our two core missions. And why I bring those up is when I talk to brands, you know, brands are very excited about what we’re building because we are focused on, as they specifically tell me, we’re focused on.

[00:22:32] Bringing their customer to them in the places where they currently operate. In real world locations. At real world events. you can in super world be very virtual. You know, and that’s, true. So you can create as much virtuality as you want. But what we’re about is how do we get the customer to interact with that brand in a real world setting, right at the mall, at their retail [00:23:00] store with their physical products.

[00:23:03] In a physical way, right? And so number one, I just wanted to just clearly differentiate our vision, right? So, you know, a lot of brands tell me all the time, you know Rich, the reason we love Super World is you’re focused on where our customers are because. If I were gonna tell a customer that they have to potentially create an avatar and go into some other virtual world and go shopping in some store , that’s totally virtual.

[00:23:33] I lose about 99% of my customers. obviously there are people that want to do that and that’s great. You can do that in Super World as well. again, we’ve created. Portal into the Metaverse, right? So you can create virtual content and go very virtual, but our focus is, you know, how do we get those brands to create things in real world locations?

[00:23:53] And so back to your question, I think number one, A brand should consider whether virtual real estate is a [00:24:00] good starting point for them and that question can hinge on, you know, do they have retail locations? If they have retail locations? It’s really a smart idea cuz it’s actually, you know, pretty inexpensive $160 for a city block to acquire virtual real estate in those locations.

[00:24:17] The reason I think that’s a good starting point for any brand is now they become a stakeholder. In a location in the real world where they’re already gonna be doing marketing spend, they’re already going to be creating content, whether it’s for Super World or another virtual world, they’re creating 3D content.

[00:24:34] They’re probably creating immersive content, they can place that content in Super World in that location. So owning the location is a great starting point. Plus it makes you a stakeholder in Super world. Number two, I would say that the next thing you can do as a brand is to create immersive content if you’re not already doing that immersive, interactive content.

[00:24:55] And we at Super World can work with brands to do that, whether it’s augmented reality [00:25:00] content that could be visualized in a real world location, whether it’s content that’s WebGL based. So you, you know, go on your computer or your, you know, your laptop and you, see it. It’s like a 3D environment on your computer, right?

[00:25:13] But you can place that content in the real world location. So that’s the difference. So I can walk somewhere or I could say, you know what? I wanna visit my favorite brand on Fifth Avenue. I come to Super World and look at a map interface and I can go onto the map and find exactly where that store is on fifth Avenue or wherever in the world, the mall.

[00:25:34] And I could click on it and they’ve left me a web GL experience that I can, you know, see on my computer. Or I could go and see what they’ve left there on the street or inside their store in augmented reality. Or I could go to the location itself. I can go into the mall, or I can go on Fifth Avenue and I could pull out my phone and I could see that immersive content they’ve left for me.

[00:25:57] And that’s, you know, kind of like the Pokemon Go example, [00:26:00] leaving a piece of content that people are coming there to find. Now, the next thing I would recommend, Is that brands can come on board and utilize Super World to engage their customers using Web three. So you could create an N F T if your brand doesn’t have an nft.

[00:26:16] We’re making it really easy for you to geographically create NFTs or. Just along, you know, whether it’s with your brand or whether it’s with some other, you know, niche topic or anything that you’re passionate about as a, creator, whether you’re doing something, maybe as a brand, you’re creating something for, a not-for-profit cause.

[00:26:37] And so you could do a lot of different things in terms of creating NFTs. Creating a Dow as well where you can create a set of rules and then, you know, enable people to join that Dow and to contribute money to the Dow and then have a mission that your brand wants to accomplish. And so there’s kind of three different ways that I would say are great starting points.

[00:26:58] One, you know, [00:27:00] if it makes sense. I’d always recommend to acquire virtual real estate just because you become a stakeholder. Number two is creating immersive content, and number three is really adding that web three type engagement with your customers. Whether it’s creating NFTs collectibles, you know, whether it’s creating Dows, you know, how can you, again, engage with your customers and so you’re able to again, give them access.

[00:27:27] Give them additional rights and privileges. Give them something that’s tradable, that they can flex or that they can, you know, cherish or keep as a soul bound token. you know, there’s a lot of different functionality there that can really help brands find new customers, engage with current ones, as well as create new monetization opportunities.

[00:27:49] Donny: And so that’s how brands can go into Super world and, do all those things. what about how you are marketing super worlds to the rest? I mean, we talked a little bit about like your almost [00:28:00] referral program, but what type of marketing are you doing?

[00:28:02] Hrish: again, we’ve done a, variety of different things.

[00:28:05] We’ve worked with brave, we’ve done things in terms of social marketing, just organic social. We’ve done events, you know, we’ve done things where we’ve partnered with not-for-profits. We’ve partnered with, you know, governmental entities like the world. Unesco, we’ve partnered with tribes in the Amazon jungle, as I mentioned.

[00:28:28] So I think we’ve, been pretty, you know, experimental about a lot of the things that we’ve done. I think the thing that we’re really thinking about, and we’ve always have is we’re really focused on. finding customers that understand the long-term vision of what we’re working on building, you know, super World is not just a, you know, traditional game per se, right?

[00:28:51] This is about, you know, how do we enhance your real life? How do we enhance the real world, and how do we build a decentralized. Where you [00:29:00] can utilize and leverage all these technologies. And so we want our, you know, as I walked you through the user journey, we want our creators, we want our virtual real estate owners.

[00:29:11] We want our, you know, consumers that are just coming and kind of looking at content and absorbing all the things that are available. We want all of them to kind of understand kind of what this mission is about and come on board to join the ecosystem in a variety of ways. And we wanna make it as easy as possible for, you know, to.

[00:29:34] The people that are just coming to Window Shop per se, to come and kind of see what’s happening. We wanna make it really easy for them to jump in. I just was speaking at CES about the creator economy and you know, it was on stage with Meta and Adobe and, others. The point was, is that, you know, as we know with the Great resignation, we’ve had so many new people become creators [00:30:00] or strive to become creator.

[00:30:02] and you know, whether they’re on Instagram or TikTok or Facebook or YouTube, you know, The Metaverse is a very big opportunity for them to create immersive content, to utilize Web three and to do so in a way that can really impact their life and their business. And so what we’ve thought about as it comes to marketing is how do we tell the story of Super World in a way that attracts the right audience?

[00:30:31] Because as I. We know for a fact when we get someone who understands the vision of being able to build a world together with us and with everyone else, and all the other super citizens, and we also understand the vision of how could we do that and improve people’s lives and actually improve the world.

[00:30:52] Those are the people that we wanna attract. So we tell that story and it’s like, what I’m doing just now is that’s who we want to attract. So we’re very specifically focused [00:31:00] on that audience. And so we utilize every way that we can to do that. And then I would say the thing that we’re doing now more and more is we’re getting our own super citizens to be able to go out there and.

[00:31:12] Bring on others on board, which is what they’re doing naturally. As I mentioned earlier, we’re empowering them even further to do that. So we have an ambassador program. We have a diplomat program at Super World that we’re gonna be promoting a lot more is getting ambassadors from all over the world

[00:31:30] Great. Kate, so rich.

[00:31:31] Donny: Next season’s gonna be all about big tech alternatives. Is there someone that you’d wanna nominate to

[00:31:35] Hrish: be on the show for our next. Sure. I know two women that are doing some amazing work. They’ve started Mission Impact TAR and Yana, who I’m happy to introduce you to, and the goal of Mission Impact is to help the next.

[00:31:50] women leaders who want to get into Web three and helping them as entrepreneurs and helping them get their start in the web three [00:32:00] space. So I, think they would be amazing

[00:32:01] Got it. Well,

[00:32:02] Donny: thank you for coming on the show. Any last words for the listen?

[00:32:05] Hrish: You know, if you found what I’ve talked about in relation to super world interesting, I’d urge you to come on board, reach out to us, we’re really accessible.

[00:32:15] Find me on LinkedIn and would love to help you learn more about our vision to enhance people’s real lives and to build a better world. So Thanks for the opportunity to share our mission. Yeah, thanks for coming on the show, rich. Really hap. Happy to have you. Thank.

[00:32:30] Donny: Thanks so much for listening to another episode of The Brave Marketer Podcast.

[00:32:34] Four quick things before you go. Number one, if you like what you’ve heard, it’d be really awesome if you’d rate us or write us a review on your podcast player. And if you didn’t like what you’ve heard, then don’t worry about it . Number two. If you would like to advertise to Brave’s 60 million users and have a budget of $10,000 or more, simply email us.

[00:32:56] Add That’s [00:33:00] ad, S A L E s And let us know you’re our podcast listener for a 25% discount. Number three musical credits. Go to my brother Ari Devork. And finally number four, go use and we will see you next time on The Brave Marketer.

Show Notes

In this episode of The Brave Technologist Podcast, we discuss:

  • How IRL event organizers can enhance their physical events by utilizing emerging technologies like AR and VR
  • The impact that the US real estate market downturn has had on the virtual real estate market
  • How to decide whether your brand should buy land in the virtual world

Guest List

The amazing cast and crew:

  • Hrish Lotlikar - Co-founder and CEO at SuperWorld

    Hrish Lotlikar is the Co-founder and CEO at SuperWorld - a virtual world mapped onto the real world, with plots of virtual real estate available to collect as NFTs. Users can buy or sell properties and create opportunities to monetize their land in the Metaverse.

    Previously, Hrish co-founded Rogue Initiative Studios, a Hollywood film, TV, gaming, and immersive entertainment studio.

About the Show

Shedding light on the opportunities and challenges of emerging tech. To make it digestible, less scary, and more approachable for all!
Join us as we embark on a mission to demystify artificial intelligence, challenge the status quo, and empower everyday people to embrace the digital revolution. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a curious mind, or an industry professional, this podcast invites you to join the conversation and explore the future of AI together.