Success Story


  • Campaign duration

    2 days

  • Brand awareness lift


  • CPA


With an ever-increasing amount of business processes moving online, it’s extremely important to protect your digital assets. From company finances and customer records, to proprietary information and employee data, the onus is on the business to have the best cybersecurity protection for its needs.

Brave logo Brave Ads Performance

  • Campaign duration 2 days
  • Brand awareness lift +9%
  • Views +26%

The cybersecurity market

Whether a business simply wants to protect its endpoints and servers, or needs a full cybersecurity-as-a-service solution, Sophos can help.

But even a global brand like Sophos can use a hand expanding its reach. In this case, that meant building greater awareness among businesses in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), and raising awareness of how it could meet the security needs of ANZ businesses.

Sophos leverages the Brave edge

As a first step to increasing its customer base in ANZ, Sophos knew it needed to increase brand awareness and began looking at how it could leverage new ways to reach new prospects.

As an innovative way to reach a security-minded audience, Sophos decided to give Brave a try.

With more than 80 million users, Brave’s community is privacy-minded, technologically savvy, and highly engaged. Brave’s users are the perfect fit for brands who want to build awareness and trust within a security-conscious customer segment. They chose Brave because it’s innovative, protects user privacy, and gives people ultimate control over their data. A philosophy that’s closely aligned with what Sophos brings to its customers.

Sophos decided to try Brave New tab takeovers, an ad placement that lets brands sponsor the browser’s new tab page image for 24 hours in a specific region.

Results like these get you noticed

In just two days of using the New tab takeover ad placement, Sophos saw a +9% increase in brand awareness among Brave users (as measured by a pre/post research survey fielded to users of the browser). Awareness of the Sophos promotion increased by +26%, and despite not attempting to shift its brand perception, +35% of users who saw the ad started to view Sophos as an industry leader in the space. With more than 1.1 million impressions and an ultra-competitive $10 CPM (cost per thousand impressions), Sophos is now seeking more campaigns and brand awareness growth activities with Brave.

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