Success Story


  • Increased awareness


  • Sign ups


Brave logo Key results

  • Increased awareness of Aevo among competitors +88%
  • New sign-ups attributed to Brave Ads 551
  • Value of new deposits exceeded media spend 2:1

Aevo’s Challenge

Aevo is a new and fast-growing decentralized exchange (DEX) for trading cryptocurrency derivatives. As a new entrant in a highly competitive market, Aevo was looking to reach a tech-savvy audience familiar with Web3 and decentralized apps (DApps) to grow their platform, increase deposited funds, and acquire market share from incumbents.

Aevo Screenshot


Despite being in the midst of a challenging period of low investor sentiment, commonly referred to as “crypto winter,” Aevo managed to achieve remarkable success by leveraging Brave’s global audience, which comprises over 80 million users. Importantly, 53% of Brave’s audience either already owns cryptocurrency or has a keen interest in it.

Aevo achieved success by strategically using three of Brave’s pioneering ad placements throughout the browser, for an effective top-to-bottom funnel strategy:

  • New Tab Takeover
  • Newsfeed ads
  • Notification ads

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