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Confidential-DPproof uses Zero Knowledge Proofs for verifiable privacy protection, and garners Spotlight award at prestigious ICLR 2024 conference
by Ali Shahin Shamsabadi, Privacy Researcher at Brave
Summary. Machine learning models trained on clients’ data without any guarantees of privacy can leak sensitive information about clients. For example, in the application of machine learning to advertising, we ideally want to learn the general patterns (“showing scientific advertisements to clients visiting scientifically related contents”), however parameters of a trained machine learning model might encode specific facts about the interest of an individual client (“Ali visited on 26 Feb 2024.”). Unfortunately, some institutions may not adhere to their claim of training machine learning models with client privacy
We introduce verifiable private training (Confidential-DPproof – Confidential proof of differentially private training) which enhances training with a certificate of privacy while not revealing any information about the data and model.
Confidential-DPproof is accepted at the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations ICLR2024 as a spotlight (top 5%) paper. Confidential-DPproof will be presented at the conference between May 7th and 11th in Vienna, Austria. Confidential-DPproof is available in an open-source implementation, and can be used by institutions to offer verifiable privacy protection to clients in machine learning based products.
Machine learning models that are trained without a privacy-preserving algorithm can memorize sensitive information about their training set. Publishing the parameters, or even just the outputs, of machine learning models can consequently risk the privacy of the clients who contributed to their training process. For example,
The framework of Differential Privacy is the gold standard for formalizing privacy guarantees. When training machine learning models, a Differential Privacy training algorithm provides guarantees for individuals by ensuring that data contributed by each individual client has a bounded influence on the final model in a mathematically precise manner. Therefore, absence or presence of a client will not result in a significantly different model.
Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent is the canonical approach to training machine learning models with guarantees of Differential Privacy. Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent imposes two main modifications to vanilla Stochastic Gradient Descent to provide differential privacy guarantees: 1) clipping per-example gradients to a fixed norm to bound the algorithm’s sensitivity to each individual client’s data (assuming each client only contributes one data point to the training); 2) adding calibrated noise to gradients before they are applied to update the model to ensure indistinguishability across updates. Training machine learning models with Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent mitigates all attacks against the privacy of training data that fall within the threat model of differential privacy, including membership inference and training data reconstruction.
Implementing Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent training algorithms can be challenging and hard-to-detect errors can easily occur as a result of uncommon and complex modification to the underlying training optimizer. Therefore, institutions may not adhere to their claims of training machine learning models with differential privacy guarantees intentionally (e.g., if they are trying to evade privacy regulations to maximize utility) or accidentally (e.g., if there are hard-to-detect bugs in the implementation of their private algorithm). For example, see Apple’s ambiguity around not releasing the exact privacy budget of a deployed Differential Privacy mechanism and/or other relevant details: Privacy Loss in Apple’s Implementation of Differential Privacy on MacOS 10.12.
Therefore, it is important for companies or other institutions that use DP-SGD to demonstrate that they train models within the privacy constraints expressed by clients.
We designed a framework, called Confidential-DPproof, that allows institutions to directly and proactively prove to any interested party–users or customers, regulators or governments–, through the execution of a Zero Knowledge Proof protocol, that their machine learning models are trained in a privacy-preserving manner (i.e., protecting the privacy of individuals who provided their data for the training).
In our work, we propose a zero-knowledge proof protocol to proactively generate a certificate of privacy during the training process while preserving the confidentiality of all information including training data and model parameters. Zero-knowledge proof allows a party to prove statements about their private data without revealing it. Therefore, the prover’s dataset or model is not revealed to external parties.
Parties. Consider a setting with two parties, a prover and an auditor:
Confidential-DPproof framework works as follows:
Since we design Confidential-DPproof to enable institutions to prove the differential privacy guarantees of their model to an auditor while being able to protect the confidentiality of their data and model, our experiments consider the following questions:
ConfidentialDPproof trains machine learning models that achieve high test accuracy with certified privacy guarantees in practical running time!
Confidential-DPproof provides many benefits to institutions and their users; however, there is still room for improvement. For example, one could further extend Confidential-DPproof to prove that no adversarial data manipulation, such as sharing information across data points, was performed prior to data commitment.
You can find more information in our research paper.
I would like to thank my co-authors for their feedbacks on the present blog post and for their contributions to the work presented here: Gefei Tan, Tudor Ioan Cebere, Aurélien Bellet, Hamed Haddadi, Nicolas Papernot, Xiao Wang, and Adrian Weller.
Brave Search adds private blockchain explorer: check ETH & Solana wallets with real-time accuracy.
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