Acceso a los datos

Ver y eliminar tus datos

Selecciona las instrucciones que te corresponden en función de si eres usuario del navegador de Brave, creas contenido y tienes una cuenta de creador de Brave, eres tester o participas en estudios, o eres cliente de la tienda de Brave.


Browser users

For Brave Browser Users

Brave Rewards

If you use the Brave Browser and have enabled Brave Rewards:

How to access or delete

  • Open Brave Browser.
  • In the menu, hit “Brave Rewards” (or type brave://rewards/ in your Brave Browser address bar).
  • Press “Manage your wallet”, and then go to the “Reset” tab.
  • Press the “Reset” button. (Note: This will delete your Brave Rewards wallet and its associated data from your device, which includes local BAT balances, particularly for unverified wallets. Please read the warnings when resetting.)

If you would not like to delete your Rewards wallet and its associated data, but simply disable Rewards functions:

  • Toggle off Brave Ads, Auto-Contribute, and any other relevant toggles in Brave Rewards settings (brave://rewards)

You can also hide the Brave Rewards (BAT) icon in the URL by going to brave://settings and toggling Hide Brave Rewards button.

You can learn what data are processed, for what purpose, duration, and with what legal justification, here.

Verified wallets

If you have verified/linked your Brave Rewards wallet with a custodial wallet partner:

Uphold account

If you have linked your Brave Rewards wallet to an Uphold account, it is Uphold, not Brave, that stores personal data about your Uphold account. You can view Uphold’s Privacy & Data Policy, here.

Gemini account

If you have linked your Brave Rewards wallet to a Gemini account, it is Gemini, not Brave, that stores personal data about your Gemini account. You can view Gemini’s Privacy Policy, here.

bitFlyer account

If you have linked your Brave Rewards wallet to a bitFlyer account, it is bitFlyer, not Brave, that stores personal data about your bitFlyer account. You can view bitFlyer’s Privacy Policy, here.

How to access or delete

Please make a request directly to your custodial service (Uphold, Gemini, or bitFlyer) regarding your data. Each service has its own policies regarding data access or deletion requests.

Brave Community

If you are a member of the Brave Community website, but have not posted more than two comments, you can log in at and permanently delete your account yourself.

How to access or delete (posted two comments or less)

  • Login at
  • Click your account icon (normally, a picture of your face)
  • Click your account name
  • Hit “Preferences”
  • Scroll to the bottom of and hit “Delete my account”.

How to access or delete (posted more than two comments)

If you have posted more than two comments, you can log in and contact a moderator, who will then permanently delete your account for you. (This two comment threshold is imposed by Discourse, which built the community platform, to prevent breaking threads).

You can learn what data are processed, for what purpose, duration, and with what legal justification, here.

Creators & Publishers

For Creators

Brave Creator accounts

If you signed up for a Brave Creators account to monetize a website, Youtube, X (formerly Twitter), Twitch, Reddit, Github, or Vimeo channel.

How to access or delete your Creators account

  • Login at
  • Hit “Delete my account”. (This will delete your Creator account and your listing in the Brave mailing list for Creators). ALERT (transaction data): If you delete your account before sending a request for transaction data, then the transaction data will be rendered impossible to associate with you.

ALERT (monetization): If you using this account to monetize your website or channel, then you may not want to delete your account.

How to access or delete Creator transaction data (if you have not deleted your account)

  • Send a message to requesting deletion of transaction data You can learn what data are processed, for what purpose, duration, and with what legal justification, here.

Linked wallet services

If you have linked your Brave Creators account with a custodial wallet partner:

Uphold account

If you have linked your Brave Creators account to an Uphold account, it is Uphold, not Brave, that stores personal data about your Uphold account. You can view Uphold’s Privacy & Data Policy, here.

Gemini account

If you have linked your Brave Creators account to a Gemini account, it is Gemini, not Brave, that stores personal data about your Gemini account. You can view Gemini’s Privacy Policy, here.

bitFlyer account

If you have linked your Brave Creators account to a bitFlyer account, it is bitFlyer, not Brave, that stores personal data about your bitFlyer account. You can view bitFlyer’s Privacy Policy, here.

Brave Community

If you are a member of the Brave Community website.

How to access or delete

  • Login at
  • Click your account icon (normally, a picture of your face)
  • Click your account name
  • Hit “Preferences”
  • Scroll to the bottom of and hit “Delete my account”.
  • You can learn what data are processed, for what purpose, duration, and with what legal justification, here.

Beta Testers & Survey Respondents

For Beta Users & Survey Respondents

Research and testing

If you use a test version of Brave, or participate in Brave surveys.

Brave Browser Beta (iOS / iPadOS)

If you are testing Brave on an Apple mobile device, then you are using a “TestFlight” version of Brave and data are stored by both Brave and Apple.

How to access or delete

  • You can request that your personal data be deleted, or object to it being processed, or to gain access to it, or to port it, by emailing a brief explanation that your want to access or delete your TestFlight data to
  • You can access your TestFlight data from Apple at

Research surveys

How to access or delete

  • You can request that your personal data be deleted, or object to it being processed, or to gain access to it, or to port it, by emailing a brief explanation to

You can learn what data are processed, for what purpose, duration, and with what legal justification, here.


For Users of the Brave Store

Brave Store

If you have a Brave Store account or have ordered items from the Brave Store.

How to access or delete

  • You can request that your personal data be deleted, or object to it being processed, or to gain access to it, or to port it, by emailing a brief explanation that you want to access or delete your Brave Store account data to


Para saber qué uso les damos a los datos que se recopilan mediante nuestro navegador, consulta la política de privacidad del navegador de Brave. Si quieres saber cómo utilizamos los datos para que nuestros sitios, nuestros foros y nuestras comunicaciones funcionen como es debido, visita la política de privacidad de los sitios web. Para saber cómo usamos los datos de los editores y los creadores, visita la política de privacidad para editores, que se encuentra en la página dedicada al Basic Attention Token (BAT). Si lo que quieres es enterarte de cómo usamos los datos de los anunciantes, visita la política de privacidad para anunciantes.