How it works

1. Where do ads show up?

There are several different kinds of ads you can earn from. You can see ads on the browser New Tab Page, in the Brave News feed, push notifications, among others.

2. How do I support content creators?

By viewing ads, you’ll be helping to support content creators by default. If you want more control, Brave Rewards gives you multiple ways to support creators, like on-demand contributions (which are like tips) and Auto-Contribute.

3. What can you do with tokens?

Tokens can be used for more than just supporting creators. BAT can be exchanged for many different currencies (both fiat and crypto), used to purchase gift cards, or transferred to your Web3 wallet and used like any other crypto asset in your crypto wallet.

4. Ready to start?

By using Brave Rewards you are helping make the web better place for everyone. And that’s awesome!

Click the icon in the URL bar to start enjoying Brave Rewards!